What’s the best DPS/meta set to build for IG with talisman …Season 4 of the Monster Hunter Rise Build series is here! This time we cover the best endgame builds in the game for each of the weapons.
I haven’t played the game since like the first patch and I’m tryna get back into it now. Unfortunately, even after the Monster Hunter Rise 2.0 update, there isn’t a ton of variety for Insect Glaive users. We’ve got a look at that ultimate acrobatic weapon and a few alternatives.

It can be found as a hunt reward or a carve for Apex Rathalos in its Rampage quest. Critical Jewel 2 will be available from the Decoration crafting menu after obtaining its key material, the Apex Blaze Sac. Resistances Obtain Apex Blaze Sac from Apex Rathalos. Kaiser Armor Set Stats and Resistances Defense Elem.

The Kaiser set's unique skill, Teostra Blessing, will nullify both Poison and Venom as well as Item Theft at max level which effectively negates most of Chameleo's gimmicks. Anti-Chameleos The Teostra, Kushala Daora and Chameleos Armor and Weapons are designed to combat each other.last updated 5 April 2021 Mhr Insect Glaive Attack (Image credit: iMore) Jump to: Insect Glaive fighting style Controls Combos Silkbind Attacks Switch Skills Best Builds Best Skills If you're looking for a Monster Hunter Rise weapon that gives you plenty of mobility and jumping action, then the Insect Glaive is for you.